The FF Story

Our Mission:

We are a mental health and fitness brand rooted in the idea that people are our greatest resource. By offering our resources to the community, we are a driving force for people to take action for their mental health.

Our core beliefs are founded in the idea that people are our greatest resource. The challenges life throws our way are unavoidable. No amount of money, fame, or stability can prepare us for the challenges we will face. Everyone will fall from these challenges, but we are choosing to Fall Forward. Our failures and struggles give us the opportunity to grow stronger as an individual, learning more about who we are.

By connecting with others who have already faced many of life’s challenges, your own journey can become significantly easier. The idea that you are alone in your struggles, feelings, or situation is devastating. However, the challenges we face are far more common than you might think. That is the Fall Forward story: the concept that people who have successfully navigated their way through life’s most challenging aspects will turn around and help the people who are still struggling.

Even though we are all different, we believe we have a shared responsibility to challenge ourselves to be better than we were yesterday. Through our personal development we build a stronger community around us. Our fast growing community is doing the same.